Home / Natural Wonders / Runway 10

Runway 10

Type of mooring: fixed line with pick up line on a float ball.

Site briefing: The depth under the boat is forty feet with the boat hanging near the edge of the wall. The edge of the drop off has numerous large coral heads and varies from forty to sixty feet before dropping sharply to 100. A sloping ledge rolls down to 200 before becoming a vertical wall again. Several schools of grunts hover around the top of the reef. There are several large sand patches towards shore and these may have queen conch, yellowhead jawfish, sand tilefish and yellow. There are a few friendly groupers and mutton snappers. Hammerheads are occasionally spotted swimming parallel to the wall above the deep ledge. At night there are frequent sightings of basket starfish, octopus, crabs and pufferfish. Sometimes lobsters and rare nudibranchs.

How to dive it: try to cover a 200-foot section in each direction along the wall. Do the return swim 100 feet in from the wall. If you have time at depth the wall face from 60 to 100 feet is excellent for elephant ear sponges, and plentiful sponge and coral encrustation.

We go there: usually as a second or night dive.

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